All Press Releases for March 22, 2012

What is Rhinoplasty?

If you are frustrated with the appearance of your nose, or feel that it simply doesn't fit your face, rhinoplasty can be a valuable solution. Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is performed to alter the shape and structure of your nose.

    GOLDEN, CO, March 22, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- If you are frustrated with the appearance of your nose, or feel that it simply doesn't fit your face, rhinoplasty can be a valuable solution. Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is performed to alter the shape and structure of your nose. People seek out rhinoplasty for both cosmetic and functional reasons.

Cosmetic Problems With the Nose

Many different factors can affect the look of your nose. Some people are born with certain problems, while others suffered noise deformities after an accident or an injury. Some common cosmetic problems people have with their nose include:

- "Hook-nose"
- Bump on the nose
- Drooping nasal tip
- Crooked nose
- Overly large nose

Even slight changes in the nose's appearance can make a dramatic impact on the overall look of your face. All the same, rhinoplasty is a serious procedure that should be considered carefully if your concerns are purely cosmetic. Be sure to seek out an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and ask plenty of questions during your initial consultation to get a better idea of what to expect from the procedure, and how much a rhinoplasty can accomplish in your unique situation.

Functional Problems With the Nose

Not everyone looks to rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons alone. Some people have a deviated septum that compromises their breathing. If this is the case, your insurance may cover all or part of the cost of your rhinoplasty procedure.

A good plastic surgeon will thoroughly review your medical history to make sure you are a qualified candidate for rhinoplasty. If you smoke, quitting before surgery is incredibly important. Smoking interferes with your healing process, as it blocks proper blood flow to your skin. This can drastically affect your results.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty is generally performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia with IV sedation. Revision rhinoplasty may require general anesthesia, since it tends to be a more complex operation. Depending on the type of rhinoplasty that is being performed, the surgery itself takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete.

During a closed rhinoplasty procedure, your incision will be hidden inside of your nostrils. An open nose procedure requires an incision made in the small vertical strip of skin that separates your nostrils, called the columella. Your rhinoplasty surgeon will then raise up the soft tissues covering your nose in order to access the underlying structures and reshape them.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

After surgery, your surgeon will place a small splint on your nose to protect it and keep it stable. After at least five to eight days, this splint will be removed. You may also be given nasal packing inside of your nostrils to help minimize bleeding and swelling. This can be removed the morning after surgery.

Most patients are able to stop taking oral pain medication within two days of their rhinoplasty procedure. In the following weeks and months ahead, the swelling will gradually subside, and your final results will slowly become apparent as your nose assumes its new shape.

If you have further questions about rhinoplasty, please visit the website of experienced Ft. Lauderdale, Florida plastic surgeon Dr. Jon Harrell at The Weston Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery.


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