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6929 total news stories found.


2008-06-13 | Dental Appliances are a life saving CPAP Alternative that give excellent results comparable to CPAP with higher patient acceptance.

Reverse the Signs of Aging with Cosmetic Dentistry

2008-06-11 | You know that beautiful teeth and gums are more attractive and healthier looking, but you may not be aware of just how dental problems can make you look older than you really are.

Dental Bonding

2008-06-11 | Many minor cosmetic enhancements to a smile are made using composite resin material that is bonded directly to the teeth. Both the procedure and the substance used are known as Dental Bonding.

What Makes An Extreme Makeover Dentist?

2008-06-07 | South Florida's Extreme Makeover Dentist, Dr. Nottingham, has the experience, education, & da vinci's endorsement to be counted among the great dentists.

Pure Power Mouthguards Increase Strength and Performance. Dr Ira Shapira and Dr Mark Amidei provide High-Tech Mouthguards to Chicago and North Suburbs in their Gurnee office. Exciting New Rutgers Study Released!

2008-06-02 | Mouthguards that harness the power of Neuromuscular Dentistry improve sports performance. Professional athletes seek the edge that neuromuscular orthotics give them. Weekend warriors are now seeking out the same advantage that the pros want.

Benefits of CEREC Technology

2008-05-31 | Along with all the new technology popping up across different fields is something that makes your dental appointment for fillings or crowns that much more pleasant.

Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, and Plastic Surgery: What are the Differences?

2008-05-29 | The terms plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, and cosmetic surgery are often used interchangeably in the media and in casual conversation. However, there are some important distinctions to be made among these terms.

Smile Makeover

2008-05-25 | With today's advances in technology and treatment techniques, more can be accomplished with smile makeovers than ever before.

Online dating site is giving singles completely free and unlimited memberships. HookMeUp is telling the public to put their credit cards away!

2008-05-21 | An informative news release featuring an online dating and social networking site which brings together todays technology and the golden years. The featured company doesnt charge its members any fees or subscriptions. Worth a look.

Online Community of Trader Joe's Devotees Provides a Glimpse into Buying Behavior of the Web 2.0 Consumer

2008-05-14 | Trader Joe's online fan community, is a classic case of viral marketing by user-generated content. RSS feeds and a popular email newsletter have rapidly accelerated participation and attracted the attention of innovative marketers.

Achieve Smile Perfection with Porcelain Veneers

2008-05-14 | Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular options for improving the appearance of chipped, uneven, or discolored teeth. Applying veneers is a fairly simple procedure, requiring very little, if any, anesthesia. It is the most conservative and ideal option for many who want the perfect smile.

Options for Straightening Adult Teeth

2008-05-14 | Many adults want straight teeth but shy away from the idea of wearing braces. Today you have options for correcting crooked teeth.

Accelerated Orthodontics

2008-05-10 | If you are searching for a way to straighten your smile, but you'd rather not wait a year or more, meet accelerated orthodontics, the newest concept in orthodontic treatment.

Big Sleep Show to Return to Chicago in 2009 Under The Auspices of the National Sleep Foundation in Collaboration With NBC Television and its Healthy Lifestyle Expo.

2008-05-09 | Dr Ira L Shapira is a Chicago Sleep apnea dentist and pioneer of dental sleep medicine. He gave informational lectures on Dental Sleep Medicine at the 2008 Big Sleep Show in Chicago. Oral appliances are preferred over CPAP by most patients who are offered a Choice on treatment.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatments

2008-05-01 | Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans. Although the problem is slowly becoming a mainstream topic, there are still so many people who have never heard of sleep apnea.

The Entrepreneurs' Mentor in Budapest

2008-04-25 | The m3 Lifestyle Experience in Budapest, Hungry encompassed a transformational experience in health, wealth and wisdom for all participants. This phenomenal inaugural event combined education and history with an unparalleled element of luxury.

American Rocker, Darren Farris, Scores Big in the UK

2008-04-15 | U.S. Power-pop rocker, Darren Farris, gets UK single,"Save Me,"picked up by Teamtalk Broadcast, for national airplay.

Tooth Whitening Options: Do They All Work?

2008-04-13 | If your teeth are stained from coffee, soda, or just plain age, you may be considering tooth whitening. There are so many options available though, you're probably wondering if they all work and which one is right for you.

Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Change Your Life

2008-04-13 | If you haven't heard of neuromuscular dentistry, you're missing out on the healthiest, most remarkable form of dentistry available.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

2008-04-12 | Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition that causes periods of stopped breathing during the night. Obstructive sleep apnea, OSA, refers to airway blockage that causes a sufferer to stray from their usual breathing pattern by pausing for an unusual length of time between breaths.