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8435 total news stories found.

Eyelid Surgery

2008-05-03 | The almost magical results of eyelid surgery open up the eyes and reduce or eliminate undereye bags and wrinkles. The surgery makes you look and feel younger and more alert.

Breast Implants and Cancer

2008-05-03 | While many people are concerned about media reports claiming that there is a link between breast implants and cancer, these claims are being disproven by recent studies.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatments

2008-05-01 | Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans. Although the problem is slowly becoming a mainstream topic, there are still so many people who have never heard of sleep apnea.

The benefits of a non-surgical nose job

2008-04-19 | The non-surgical nose job is an exciting new development in aesthetics. A simple, relatively inexpensive procedure that can last as long as two years, the non-surgical nose job uses injectable fillers to even out and smooth the line of the nose in a single office visit.

Breast Augmentation Incision Options

2008-04-17 | When you have decided to go ahead and get the breast augmentation procedure, you have a few more choices to make, not just the size of your new implants. A big decision that needs to be made is where you will have the incision made.

Tooth Whitening Options: Do They All Work?

2008-04-13 | If your teeth are stained from coffee, soda, or just plain age, you may be considering tooth whitening. There are so many options available though, you're probably wondering if they all work and which one is right for you.

Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Change Your Life

2008-04-13 | If you haven't heard of neuromuscular dentistry, you're missing out on the healthiest, most remarkable form of dentistry available.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Surgical Sculpture of the Nose

2008-04-13 | The key to a beautiful nose is balance and harmony. In recent years, racial awareness and innovative surgical procedures have led to an increase in rhinoplasty surgeries among various ethnic groups.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

2008-04-12 | Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition that causes periods of stopped breathing during the night. Obstructive sleep apnea, OSA, refers to airway blockage that causes a sufferer to stray from their usual breathing pattern by pausing for an unusual length of time between breaths.

Breast Implants Over the Muscle vs. Under the Muscle

2008-04-12 | If you're considering breast augmentation surgery, you will have some decisions to make regarding your implant type, size and style, as well as implant placement.

How safe is facial liposuction?

2008-04-10 | As facial liposuction rapidly gains popularity, you may be wondering just how safe these types of procedures are.

Is GFX the New Botox?

2008-04-10 | Glabellar Furrow Relaxation is a new way to reduce wrinkles in this area of your face. If you have been considering Botox, this may be a viable alternative.

Aging Without the Wrinkles

2008-04-10 | Getting older doesn't mean you have to look the part. Like any other part of the body, aging of the skin is inevitable. Wrinkles. Loss of elasticity. While you can't stop it, it is possible to slow down the aging process, and even reverse its visible effects.

The Difference between Inlays and Onlays

2008-04-05 | Inlays and onlays are types of metal-free fillings used to restore damage to the chewing surface of your back teeth. Made from porcelain they are stronger than traditional fillings because they are cemented to your tooth rather than packed into a cavity.

Breast Augmentation Options - Implant Options

2008-04-04 | When electing to have breast augmentation surgery, there are several implant options available to you. These choices include the size, shape, surface, filler and placement of your implant. Where to put the incision is also a factor.

Porcelain Crowns

2008-04-03 | Porcelain crowns are a strong, permanent, natural looking option for replacing the entire upper portion of the tooth. This is an excellent option for many cases in which damage to the tooth is too extensive to be repaired with other methods.

Britesmile/Tooth Whitening

2008-04-03 | Professional tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure today, and for good reason. In as little as a single office visit, your cosmetic dentist can whiten, brighten, and rejuvenate your smile, making you look younger, healthier, and more self confident.

Breast Enlargement Surgery - A Boost in Self-Esteem and Sexuality

2008-04-02 | Many women have carried around a negative breast image all their lives, and breast enlargement surgery offers a safe solution that can helps alleviate anxiety or self-confidence issues related to small breast size or uneven breasts.

The Skinny on Body Recontouring

2008-03-26 | Sure, the idea of "body recontouring" sounds great - but is it really possible to reshape what Mother Nature gave us, to fit our personal ideals of physical beauty?

Cosmetic Surgery Grows In Popularity

2008-03-23 | With the wide variety of cosmetic surgery procedures available today, more and more people are opting to go under the knife to improve their looks.