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2104 total news stories found. Launches a Series of Mind Power Experiments

2007-02-15 | A series of combined online and offline experiments designed to verify the existence of human mind's ability to perceive information over distance and to influence events over distance are being launched at website.


2007-01-28 | Athirudra Homam being conducted by Sathya Sai Baba can be viewed on web through

WHAT ARE EDITORS OF BABY GIFT PUBLICATIONS GOING GAA-GAA OVER? THE SECRET LIES IN ONE BABY BLANKET COMPANY'S SUPER-PERSONALIZED BABY BLANKETS. This company from Dallas is seeing a long awaited dream come true. Not only are they making new moms smile around the country, but now the press too.

2007-01-24 | Fill In The Blankie offers customers up to 200 characters embroidered along the satin edges of woven cotton blankets. Most other high-end retailers allow no more than 20 characters. It's more than just a monogram; this allows customers to weave their warmest wishes into a high-quality blankie.

3% of Gays and Lesbians Intend Child Adoptions in Next 5 Years

2007-01-22 | New research shows that more than one in five UK lesbians and one in ten gay men are already parents, and that 3 percent would like to adopt children during the next five years.


2007-01-22 | This newly released book by Donald Seitz is getting nationwide attention

New Online Tool for Church Websites

2007-01-21 | Online self-assessment tool enables churches to develop and improve their websites.


2007-01-08 | One company has made it their personal mission to make personalized baby blankets far more personalized.

Edmonton Author Cheryl Kaye Tardif Announces Donations to Hope Mission, the Bissell Centre and the Mustard Seed Church

2007-01-08 | At a special memorial service for residents of Hope Mission and others in the Edmonton community who have died, author Cheryl Kaye Tardif announced donations of a percentage of royalties from Whale Song to three inner city organizations that help inner city residents.

The Human Shape of the Holy Land

2006-12-18 | The Human Shape of the Holy Land is a cartographic description of the Land of Israel as an anatomic human figure. The map provides a unique explanation for the global interest in the Middle East. Christian Believers can find in the map a commentary for the story of Jesus Christ.

Does Thanksgiving have Hindu Roots?

2006-11-17 | A yoga master's statement that Abraham Lincoln had been an advanced Himalayan yogi in a past life casts a possible Hindu light on the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

Are You Including A Press Release In Your Marketing Campaign Arsenal? Perhaps You Should Be…

2006-08-09 | Selected as Top Source For Press Release Distribution

Christian Meditation CDs Offer Peace of Mind and Help Clear the Mental Path to God

2006-07-12 | If Christians aren't controlling their thoughts, then their thoughts are controlling them. Learn how Christian Meditation can help believers win the battle over their minds.

New Book is Fresh Exploration and Explanation of the Mind-Boggling Universe; Author Speculates on Humans' Future, Existence and Purpose - discovering that World Peace and Prosperity for All cannot be avoided.

2006-06-30 | Though its primary concern is science, the following book is relevant to world peace because it concludes that everyone's life is scientifically unified with all other life beyond the range of our senses and experiences (but within the range of our understanding).

Bringing Religion Home, Making Religious Podcasts Easier to Locate

2006-05-23 | As demand for podcasts grow, religious podcasts continue to be the most popular genre. In order to accommodate this demand, a company out of Boston, DR Management, has created a new website directory dedicated to religious podcasts.

Book Release: Deceptive Diagnosis: When Sin is Called Sickness

2006-04-27 | The book "Deceptive Diagnosis: When Sin is Called Sickness", by Dr. David Tyler and Dr. Kurt Grady, will be released on May 20, 2006.

Most Reverend Father, Archbishop Gary Beaver of the Old Catholic Church Delivers Easter Message of Peace at Church Leaders Meeting in the Netherlands

2006-04-11 | Archbishop Gary Beaver, Primatial Archbishop of the Old Catholic Church of Great Britain and leader of the Free Catholic Church of Europe Communion, has concentrated his Easter message of Peace on the War in Iraq.

Belfast Ireland's bloody violent troubles of the past have come to an end

2006-03-24 | Anyone who grew up in Belfast in the 70s and 80s knows how hard it was, but peace has finally arrived

Churches Plan to Hold Worldwide Internet Focus Day on 7 May

2006-02-19 | Churches around the world will take part in the second worldwide Internet Evangelism Day on 7 May 2006. They will use downloadable resources to create a custom web awareness focus within their services and meetings that day.

IGT Group Prepares Earth Stewardship Workshop

2006-02-17 | The Interfaith Green Team is holding an Earth Stewardship Workshop on March 4, 2006 with three key speakers on the topic of faith and the environment.