AUSTIN, TX, March 10, 2023 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? What is consciousness, and how does it relate to the afterlife? These are just a few of the questions that renowned author and afterlife expert Roberta Grimes has dedicated her life to answering. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Grimes to discuss her latest book and to gain insight into her groundbreaking research on the nature of spirituality and the afterlife. With her latest revelations about Jesus and Christianity, Grimes is sure to continue sparking important conversations about the legacy of Jesus' movement and the true teachings that have been obscured over time.
In this long-awaited third installment of the Roberta Grimes interview series, Ms. Grimes takes readers on a groundbreaking journey into the true teachings of Jesus and the origins of Christianity. In this riveting interview, Grimes shares her groundbreaking research and revolutionary ideas on the nature of consciousness, the afterlife, and the true spiritual message that Jesus sought to spread. She reveals how the Roman emperor Constantine hijacked Jesus' teachings for his own political and religious agenda, and how the legacy of Jesus' true teachings has been lost over time. With her unique perspective and deep understanding of these complex topics, Grimes challenges conventional wisdom and sparks important conversations about the nature of spirituality and the true legacy of Jesus' movement. Don't miss this exciting and thought-provoking interview with Roberta Grimes, a fearless pioneer in the field of afterlife studies.
Recently, we sat down with Roberta Grimes to discuss all of this, as well as the exciting launch of her new website, The new site's platform offers a wealth of resources for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Jesus' teachings and to develop a closer spiritual connection. With its comprehensive suite of learning and discovery tools, is an invaluable resource that is sure to inspire and enrich your life. In this interview, we'll dive deeper into the inspiration behind the website, its mission, and what readers and listeners can expect from it.
TSR News Group:
I'm really looking forward to getting into this material, Roberta. I know we've got a lot of ground to cover, so I think we should just jump right in. We all assume that Jesus founded Christianity, but now you say that Jesus has nothing to do with it, is that correct?
Roberta Grimes:
Yes, that's true. He didn't found the Christianity that we have in the churches nowadays, not at all.
TSR News Group:
You say that the Roman emperor Constantine hijacked Jesus's spiritual movement 1,700 years ago. Why, and how did he do that?
Roberta Grimes:
Well, he needed a means of fear-based control when he was trying to take over the world. Around the year 33 AD when Jesus died, his movement was so successful that by the year 300 A.D, it had millions of followers all around the Mediterranean, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. And Constantine thought he could use that, but he couldn't use all of it. He could use one particular strain of what Jesus founded, it was a very minor strain, and that was the one that said that Jesus had died to save us from God's judgment for our sins. So he basically destroyed all the rest of the followers, he destroyed them by hanging them on crosses all along roads, along the Appian Way and in many other highways. He destroyed them by feeding them to lions in Coliseums [and in other ways too]. Jesus had a very successful spiritual movement started, and right after his death, he sent his disciples and others out to teach his love-based, not fear-based way. But one of the strains of thought that developed was the notion that Jesus had died for our sins. It was nothing he had taught, it was something that sort of developed over the 300 years after his death. And that was something that Constantine thought he could use. Because, of course, there was a lot of fear in that idea, that Jesus died for our sins and then he rose from the dead. I mean, the whole story. It became the thing that Constantine based his Christianity on at the First Council of Nicaea in 325. And that's the only thing that survived, but it was nothing that Jesus had taught. In fact, nothing in the Christianity that we practice today came from Jesus except the general suggestion that we might love and forgive, that's it.
TSR News Group:
So you say that Constantine presided over the First Council of Nicaea in 325 that created Christianity and also created the Christian Bible?
Roberta Grimes:
Yes, believe it or not. It all came from the Romans.
TSR News Group:
So what parts of Jesus's story are true? Did Jesus actually rise from the dead?
Roberta Grimes:
He did. The evidence for that is on the Shroud of Turin, which is preserved. In fact, studies of the Shroud say that the amount of energy that Jesus used to reanimate that dead body could not be produced even today.
TSR News Group:
Are there parts of the Jesus story that are not true?
Roberta Grimes:
The Jesus story itself? No. Jesus is genuine, Jesus is genuinely the Son of God. Jesus genuinely came to teach us the truth. Jesus is genuine 100%, it's just that Christianity is not genuine, and that's why it is dying now.
TSR News Group:
Right. So what parts of the Christianity that we practice today came from the Romans?
Roberta Grimes:
All of it, every bit of it. And that's why it's dying. Jesus can save it, but only if we will listen to him. Everything that survives of what Jesus taught is actually in the Christian Bible in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It's just that we don't actually read and believe what Jesus taught, even now. People carry that Bible around, they just don't read what Jesus said by itself.
TSR News Group:
Right. So if all of what you're saying is true, then why didn't Jesus speak up sooner? I mean, it has been 1,700 years!
Roberta Grimes:
Well, number one, I'm an afterlife scholar, as well as a gospel scholar, and time doesn't pass in the afterlife the way it passes here. Jesus has a post-resurrection story. People don't think of him as an ongoing eternal being, but in fact, he is exactly that. On April 6th of last year, 2022, I met with Jesus. Unexpectedly, I didn't intend to, or even think it was possible to be with Jesus. But he never ascended. You would expect that someone like Jesus would ascend, wouldn't you? Because he's a very elevated being. But my spirit guide turns out to be someone who has had a very long history with Jesus. So it's actually a history that goes back roughly, I calculate, trying to understand the story that I've been told, about 6,000 years.
TSR News Group:
Wow, unbelievable.
Roberta Grimes:
And Jesus, the story I was told actually on the 6th of April 2022, Jesus has been very busy since his Ascension. And the Ascension story, all of that is true. He's been busy healing all the people that Roman Christianity has damaged. History is told by its winners, and the Romans were the winners. We talk about Roman Christianity as if it was a good thing, right? Well, it wasn't a very good thing at all. Jesus has been healing the victims of the inquisitions, the victims of the Crusades, and all the people who were murdered when the Romans took over Jesus' movement, he's been healing them. It has taken him a good 1,500 years to heal all those people. He's been healing all the people who have been terrified by the thought of hell as well. I mean, it wasn't only the Catholics who have been teaching about hell, it's the Protestants too, even now. People come to my website, and people email me terrified of hell. As they come near to death, they worry very much about going to a hell that doesn't even exist.
People who endure near death experiences of roughly one in seven near death experiences are about hell, and people are terrified of those. I get emails from them, and they worry about hell. There is no hell, Jesus did not teach about hell. Jesus taught about the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. That does exist, actually. People who research the afterlife have found that there is in fact an outer darkness where there's wailing and gnashing of teeth, we've found that, that exists. It's amazing, we've found a lot of what Jesus talks about, that's real, but not the scary stuff. Catholicism and Protestantism, the scary stuff is not real! The Romans invented all of that as a means of controlling people.
TSR News Group:
So it's like a propaganda campaign that's been going on for thousands of years and mutating Jesus' original message.
Roberta Grimes:
TSR News Group:
Unbelievable. So what is Jesus doing about this now? And might this actually be Jesus's second coming?
Roberta Grimes:
I believe that it is, but he won't say that. And when I met with Jesus, he told me his real story, and he asked me to create a website, and the website just went live. It's called
TSR News Group:, that is wonderful. So Roberta, how do you know all of this?
Roberta Grimes:
Well, I had an experience of light when I was eight years old. Others have had experiences of light, they're just more rare than are near-death experiences. They exist, they're in the Bible. Moses with the burning bush, that was an experience of light. The apostle Paul when he was Saul on the road to Damascus, Jesus gave him an experience of light and spoke to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Same thing. I had an experience of light and the voice said: "You wouldn't know what it is to have me, if you didn't know what it is to be without me, I will never leave you again." And that was my spirit guide talking to me. And so I majored in religion when I went to college, and believe me, if you want to love Christianity, never major in religion, because it's sort of like if you love hot dogs, never watch them being made!
TSR News Group:
Right, yes.
Roberta Grimes:
And that was where I first learned that the Roman Emperor Constantine was the real father of Christianity.
TSR News Group:
So what do you think that we should do about it now though?
Roberta Grimes:
I think we should follow Jesus, follow his lead. I think he does mean to come back, but not in the flesh at all. I think he needs to come back through his website, which has just gone live. The website explains what he actually taught, just taken from the biblical gospels, explains what in the religious teachings did not come from Jesus, which is basically everything. And we go from there. One of the things about Jesus that's true is that much of what he says, he could not possibly have known if he had not come from God. Which is to me, amazing.
TSR News Group:
Do you think that this concept, this message is going to be difficult to ''sell'' to the public? And I only say sell because it's thousands of years of people believing a certain thing, a certain way. Do you think that it's going to be intimidating for them to accept something new?
Roberta Grimes:
I don't know. I mean if this was 50 years ago, maybe. But so many people are so fed up with Christianity now. So many people say that they find Christianity unbelievable now. People have outgrown the notion… think about this: Let's say you have four or five children, and they're very young, and they've messed up the living room. Which of your children would you most enjoy watching being horribly murdered so you could forgive all the rest of them for messing up the living room? And that's really what, that's the God we are being asked to love? It doesn't make any sense! And I hear from people and they say, I can't believe it anymore, I can't believe that's a loving God. It isn't. It is not a loving God."
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