1391 total news stories found.
2024-02-08 | Anthony Malczanek is recognized for his expertise in computerized industrial automation as well as in the field of convergent multiservice networks
2024-02-05 | The complaint alleges TDS required Network Specialists to work overtime in order to complete all their work but failed to pay overtime pay for the overtime hours worked.
2024-02-05 | James Shuman is an accomplished poet, teacher and administrator
2024-01-30 | Renowned as a keynote speaker, trainer, and Forbes Contributor, Romanella founded 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. With 40+ years in leadership, he served as CEO and Director at UniTek Global Services after a 36-year UPS career.
2024-01-23 | Matthew Muir lends years of expertise to his work with Jackson Contractor Group
2024-01-19 | During MWC 2024, STL Partners and Red Hat will host a key roundtable on "Realising Value from Enterprise Net Zero Ambitions," focusing on telecom sector sustainability.
2024-01-17 | Mr. Seung Park has cultivated a successful, interdisciplinary career focused on Science, Technology, Education, Literature, Art, Management, Industry and Standardization (STELAMIS)
2024-01-05 | Carl A. Walker is recognized for his expertise as the vice president of engineering for CSX Transportation
2024-01-04 | Mr. Paul A. Arrendell is noted for his long and distinguished career in engineering, manufacturing, and healthcare
2023-12-29 | A highly sought keynote speaker, trainer and Forbes Contributor, Romanella is founder and principal of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. He has over 40 years of leadership at Fortune 100's
2023-12-20 | Mr. Mike Donoghue is a team builder, applying over 30 years of experience in telecommunications at AT&T
2023-12-20 | Emmett M. Schaill is a United States Army veteran and officer senior trainer for the USVI National Guard
2023-12-20 | Together they will expand their best in class SAP Archiving and document management solutions, certified by SAP
2023-12-19 | Jonathan R. Yarowsky serves as an expert in antitrust, intellectual property, telecommunications and civil rights legislation
2023-12-15 | David J. Green lends years of expertise to his work with Verizon, Street Law, and the United States Army
2023-12-13 | Dr. Manitius has been endorsed by Marquis Who's Who as a leader in engineering and higher education
2023-12-08 | Feri Naseh, MBA, serves as the founder and CEO of MeTime Healing LLC.
2023-12-07 | Dr. Joy Bennett is noted for her distinguished tenure in accounting, bookkeeping and education
2023-12-06 | Ira B. Shaw is recognized for his expertise as the director of information technology for the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles