/24-7PressRelease/ - ARNHEM, THE NETHERLANDS, March 16, 2006 - PassionForPaintings.com would like to announce even more beautiful, hand-painted artwork to our vast collection has been added for your artistic satisfaction!
Our collection of brilliantly hand-painted oil paintings is 200,000+!! We've added even more artists for over 10,000+ now, you're a almost guaranteed to find the perfect piece for your liking and decorative needs.
Passion For Paintings.com makes the most beautiful hand painted oil painting reproductions. Best of all we only work with worlds most talented and experienced artists to produce these outstanding reproductions. Our reproductions are very affordable and every painting comes with FREE GLOBAL SHIPPING.
The Passion For Paintings collection is getting bigger and bigger. As of today we have over 200.000+ pictures from 10.000+ artists online! Browse through our online collection of masterpieces.
From Monet to Tissot, van Gogh, and Rembrandt to Michelangelo, all the old masters are in our collection.
We also provide an excellent service and create gorgeous, hand-painted oil painting portraits straight from your digital photos and pictures!
Feel free to check out our collection today to get your favorite artwork, the worlds most famous art or a beautiful hand-painted oil painting portrait based off your digital memories. Visit us at: http://www.PassionForPaintings.com
Passion For Paintings creates gorgeous, hand-painted oil painting reproductions. We've now expanded our oil painting selection to over 200,000 paintings with over 10,000 artists. Please visit http://www.passionforpaintings.com to see our beautiful collection. Or email [email protected]
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Contact Information
Nikita Weberink
Passion For Paintings
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0) 26 376 4554
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website