Georgiann Baldino’s novel, The Nursing Home Fugitive, Dramatizes How WWII Still Affects Veterans
Press Release December 14, 2004
The life-defining experience of serving in WWII provides the basis for Georgiann Baldino’s novel, The Nursing Home Fugitive.

/ - The novel’s main character, Clive Parisi, loses his short-term memory due to a stroke. He remembers what happened 60 years ago better than he can remember the last 60 seconds. Increasingly Clive flashes back to 1944 when he and other shave tails landed in France. In one of their first battles his best buddy, Sam, freezes, forcing Clive to lead a charge that takes everyone by surprise including the enemy. They survive the war, but Sam ‘s hesitation under fire becomes a defining moment that he never gets over.

Post traumatic stress disorder did not become recognized until 1980, nevertheless some of the men and women caught up in the events of WWII suffered its affects. The delayed form of PTSD is still unknown to many physicians. After decades of coping with frightening memories, many late-onset patients lose the battle with their pasts. The idea Clive must help Sam overcome the trauma becomes an obsession. Clive takes off but forgets to tell his stepdaughter, Arlene, where he’s headed. Clive goes underground to avoid the “enemy,” and along the way finds that many people are willing to offer him safe haven. By the time the veterans are finally reunited, survival is once again in doubt.

Smink Works Books publisher, Suzanne Male, says, “The novel is one of those rare reading experiences that provokes not just laughter and tears, but thought as well.”

To read a sample chapter on the web, visit For additional information, contact: Georgiann Baldino

About Smink Works Books
An Australian business based in Melbourne, Smink Works was established in 2002 by editor and journalist Suzanne Male. She brings a varied background to the business, encompassing 10 years' experience in the media and media publishing in both Australia and the United Kingdom. A small-press publisher, Smink Works has also been established to provide a steppingstone for the unpublished author. In an era where publishing of unsolicited manuscripts is rare, Smink Works Books is taking on new writers with innovative works and a fresh voice, in what is their first step to international success and acknowledgment.

Georgiann Baldino, Author
Pearl Editions, LLC

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Georgiann Baldino

Pearl Editions LLC

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