KARLSKRONA, Sweden - July 2, 2007 - Outpost24 AB Releases a Major Update to OUTSCAN.
Outpost24 AB, the leading European provider of on-demand Vulnerability Management solutions, today released a major update to OUTSCAN. Building on Europe's most widely deployed on-demand, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) security solution, OUTSCAN is the premiere service for delivering security risk and compliance management solutions. The OUTSCAN service allows security managers and auditors to get a continuous view of their organization's security and compliance posture.
"The new scanning engine not only finishes the scans faster but also produces a much more reliable result than our other field tools such as Nessus." said Anders Carlsson, Associate Professor in Network Security, Department of Systems and Software. Blekinge Institute of Technology. "We are also very pleased with the Vulnerability Management framework offered, as finding the vulnerability is really only the first step."
This update to OUTSCAN provides customers and partners with a complete replacement of the core testing engine, an addition of new supporting testing tools, and several key changes in the User Interface. With this update Outpost24 AB is addressing over 150 individual customer feature requests.
"We are dedicated to providing solutions that help our customers stay One Step Ahead." said Robert E. Lee, Chief Security Officer for Outpost24 AB. "We are confident that this update will provide for accurate results, fast scan times, and most importantly a service that is easy to use."
Enhancements of note include:
* Core Engine Replacement: Outpost24 AB now boasts their own proprietary core testing engine and vulnerability testing language. This allows OUTSCAN to more accurately identify vulnerabilities in our customers networks.
* Addition of Supporting Tools: This update has integrated the Cruiser Web Application Crawling and Fuzzing framework, the Avtryck protocol analyzer and banner grabber, and the Pscaner port scanner.
* User Interface Improvements: The new Dash Board feature allows for customization of what is presented directly after logging in. This allows for different account types to log in and immediately access the sections of OUTSCAN that interest them. There is also a comprehensive access rights system that allows Main Accounts to grant or deny access to the various features OUTSCAN provides.
General availability of the updated OUTSCANis scheduled for July 2, 2007.
About Outpost24 AB
Outpost24 AB is the leading European provider of on-demand security risk and compliance management solutions. Outpost24 AB delivers these solutions in a Software-as-a-Service (OUTSCAN) or Appliance (HIAB) form factor. OUTSCAN and HIAB help organizations stay One Step Ahead of their security problems. OUTSCAN can be used to ensure compliance with policies and regulations. OUTSCAN can also be used by partners to expand their managed security offerings and enhance their consulting services. Outpost24 AB's on-demand solutions are deployed in a matter of hours anywhere in the world, providing customers an immediate view of their security and compliance posture. OUTSCAN is the widest deployed security on-demand solution in Europe, performing scans for over 1000 customers last year.
For more information, please visit http://www.outpost24.com
Outpost24, the Outpost24 logo, OUTSCAN and HIAB are proprietary trademarks of Outpost24, AB.
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Contact Information
Robert Lee
Outpost24 AB
Karlskrona, Blekinge
Telephone: +46 70 847 4320
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website