RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ, October 25, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Brain education is now a mainstream Ivy League subject of research and education, where they are mainly concerned with connecting cognition, neuroscience and pedagogy. Even though the connection between wisdom and emotional intelligence is well known in some circles, mainstream education is yet to fully recognize the connection between wisdom and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is for the brain like blood is for the body. At the highest developed stage emotional intelligence is none other than wisdom.
We have been researching wisdom education for the last 40 years by seeking clues to wisdom from any and all sources; science, religion, mythology, philosophy, tradition etc. The Ivy League Institutions, only now during the last few years have begun to research brain education from any and all sources. They are bound sooner or later to come to the same conclusions as we have that brain education is none other than wisdom/emotional-intelligence education.
The worst part is that brain education is taught in the same way as regular education; through teaching, preaching, persuasion, carrots and sticks. It is like putting fresh water in a glass that is generating its own dirty water. The fresh knowledge gets dirty too. Our experts believe brain education is about becoming knowledgeable when it is about becoming selfless. Knowledge is essential but not enough. Knowing is only half the component of education, the other half is becoming one's pure self. Knowing is the domain of the mind and becoming is the domain of the brain. We educate the minds and we not only leave the brain uneducated, we miseducate our brains and as a result the fundamental mess in education is not about regular education; it is about emotionally challenged brains.
Just consider does a mother need to be an expert on wisdom to raise a wise child? Does a wise individual know that he is wise? It is clear that knowledge of wisdom is not required for raising a wise child or for being wise.
The subject of philosophy was created to make society safe by making everyone wise as lack of wisdom was thought to be the cause of the ills of society. Today thanks to the strides in emotional intelligence we now know that all ill behavior is emotionally challenged behavior which means that the cause of evil is the emotionally challenged brains. Thus the problem of evil in society is the emotional baggage. Lack of wisdom is a physical brain illness! Wisdom is the smoke where an emotional baggage free brain is the fire. For thousands of years wisdom research has gone nowhere because man has mistakenly considered wisdom as the source of all the good in society. While it is the emotionally challenged brain which is the cancer of society and it is the emotionally super healthy brain that causes all the good in society.
If only our sages of philosophy had figured out that the evil in society was caused by emotional baggage we would be studying and researching ways to remove the emotional baggage. At least now we must focus fully on using the existing brain therapies and invent new therapies to remove the emotional baggage on a massive scale.
Fortunately brain education is now the latest innovative frontier in education. However brain education is still being treated as a regular subject where education is about transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student. But brain education is not about acquiring knowledge. Brain education is about brain therapy that cures the emotionally challenged brain. This illness that is caused by the emotional baggage has to be the fundamental and essential full throttle focus of research.
Emotional baggage is identifiable, measurable and curable. The effect of the emotional baggage is selfishness. Emotional baggage can be measured by the level of selfishness.
The physical brain gets set into a habitual set pattern of physically generating biochemicals that produce selfishness. Traditional education does not work because telling a physical brain that is capable of only producing selfishness to stop producing selfishness and start producing selflessness cannot happen just as you cannot teach/get a nitrogen producing machine to produce oxygen.
Our experts believe education for life is about teaching; when it is about becoming selfless, which is caused by an emotional baggage free brain. Current education for life is like wisdom education and it will stay just as confusing and unsuccessful unless we wake up to education for life is brain therapy!
We are hoping that your WISE conference will finally connect the dots; that the emotional baggage is the fundamental cause of all this mess in society that has a rippling effect on education and all life.
For further reading please google:
1) 4th R Foundation
2) 4th r foundation 24-7pressrelease
3) Wisdom Ein Presswire
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage etc.
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Contact Information
Sajid Khan
The 4th R Foundation
Ridgefield Park, New Jersey
United States
Telephone: 201-814-1808
Email: Email Us Here