"THE WORLD FAMOUS TURBO HERBAL TEA" 13,000 People Join Dr. Millers Holy Tea Club! In 12 short Weeks! FIND OUT WHY?
Press Release December 19, 2007
Dr.Miller's Holy Tea was formulated 25 years ago to address the primary causes of disease. The Herbal Tea is now proving to be today's most exquisite, and effective, total body cleanse and today's most fundamental health tonic. WHY BECAUSE ITS PROVEN TO WORK HEALTH STARTS WITH A CLEAN COLON.

/24-7PressRelease/ - December 19, 2007 - The basic natural concepts of health go back to Biblical times and much further. They are not new, however have only been lost. Millions die every year and many millions more deal with suffering and pain needlessly, because they fail to follow the natural laws of cause and effect when it comes to there health. Instead, they are being treated with obsolete and unnatural methods / "treatments", that avoid the true cause of all sickness and dis-ease.

Generally, conventional medicine ignores the causes of dis-ease. In contrast, we do have a track record of doctors who are in agreement that the primary causes of all disease are always associated with congestion, malnutrition, acidic stress / emotions, parasites and toxicity. In due time, these factors eventually alter and weaken our internal environment to one of acidity and inflammation. Once that environment reaches a consistent degree of acidic polluted levels, dis-ease conditions are born and are guaranteed to progress unless the causes are addressed and eliminated. It is conclusive!

The cure is in the prevention, not the treatment.

One of a group of Medical Professionals, who advocates this truth, P.L. Clark, BS, MD, Ph.Sa, says that "Acidosis and Toxicosis are the primary causes of all disease. Rid the body of these poisons and correct the habits of living, and good health will be regained and maintained" and, "just as maggots and flies require the filth of the manure pile in which they grow and propagate, so the human organism must become broken down and filthy through bad habits of living before the tissues and juices of the body will permit the harboring and growth of any noxious bacteria."

"However, in view of the scientific researches which have been cast aside by medicine, it is just as reasonable to assume that the maggots and flies found in a manure pile, caused the manure pile, as it is to assume that the various kinds of germs found in a thoroughly filthy body, caused the condition of ill health."

All living organisms are dependent on their environment......A dirty colon = dirty blood = dirty body = pain, disease, aging and death.......Holy Tea Detox is not a laxative. It is a Cathartic. WEBSTER says: a Cathartic is something that purifies, cleanses and purges anything foreign and unatural in the body. Making this tea the most complete TOTAL BODY DETOX AVAILABLE! "SUITABLE AND RECOMMENDED FOR ALL AGES.

Dr. Bill Miller's Holy Tea was formulated 25 years ago to address the primary causes of disease. He focused on the digestive track, mainly the colon, because he knew that disease and death got their start there and life and health started in the blood. (dirty blood comes from a dirty colon) (disease. Eg. cancer, cannot exist in an alkaline rich blood stream) (dirty blood is acidic vs alkaline)

.......Drink it because it has been proven to work, beyond any reasonable doubt, and that it will be a matter of life or death. Drink it because, it is the easiest, quickest, the most effective and basic thing you could do for your health. Drink it everyday, because drinking two cups of this tea a day is easy for anyone, at any age, to do.

Everyday, you take in acids, parasites and toxins from foods, drinks and the environment. Do you brush your teeth and wash your hands everyday?

As a mentor, I love this because a first grader can understand drinking a good cup of tea and having a clean body and can explain it to another one.

Note! Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is not a nutritional product and no nutritional product has been shown to do what this total body cleanse does. So drink the tea, eat well, brush your teeth :_) and take your supplements.

Wishing you a lifetime of wellness, the means to enjoy it and a life you love. REMEMBER "SHARING IS CARING PASS THIS MESSAGE ON"

If you would like to try Dr. Millers HOLY Tea... simple go to .....
www.joindrmillersholyteaclub.com .. join the tea club FOR FREE like thousands all ready have and continue to do so on a daily basis.

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Contact Information

Alex-Anne Kennedy

Dr Millers Holy Tea

Telephone: 289-396-2995

Email: Email Us Here

Website: Visit Our Website