BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, April 02, 2015 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The beef export is again permitted, after 15 years of cow disease embargo.
As you may know, since 1998, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, has surfaced in more than 20 countries including the United States and, of course, all Europe. Finally, after a log time of fighting against the embargo of forbidding the export of livestock for sale, the European Comission did it. After a very long time, at the beginning of this year, Irland was the very first country of European Union permitted to export beef in America, after 15 years. In this context, all the European countries begin to be part of the new global meat markets on edge and, with all them, Romania remains on the best and leading source of live stock for sale and a very trustfull one.
Seradria, the most reliable European source of live cattle breeds for sale
Seradria, the Romanian company founded in 1994, is the most active export partners of live cattle for sale and its main focus is based on delivering high quality merchandise in the safest conditions to its clients. All the history of the Romanian Company briefes only good services and the best experience in exporting all kinds of live cattle breeds.
When it comes about live cattle breeds for sale, Seradria has a lot of breeds, which are grown in the best conditions, so all the partners around the world can be enchanted. Also known as cow sale, Seradria, with its experience for more than 20 years, is a trustful source of good cattle livestock. There is well known that, around the world, there are over 800 recorded cattle breeds in existence, most of which adapted to various climates and terrains.
As Seradria assumes the idea that cattle is a very important lifestock, because of its very good ratio of produce/ weight, it exports and imports the most important cattle breeds worldwide. Thereby, as Romania is well known mainly for breeding Baltata Romaneasca cattle, which is a cross breed of cattle between local breeds and Simmental, this kind of cows for sale is like a famous tag for the Seradria company. Since 1860, the Baltata Romaneasca also known as Romanian Spotted Cattle, has the color red with white (with shades from brick red to chestnut), yellow with white (varying from light yellow, sand to wheat yellow ochre).
Seradria knows its good milk and meet value, this is why the company takes care of how are they raised, so they can export the best quality cows for sale. The Romanian Spotted Cattle is highly adapted to the environment and the best results are achieved in the plain and hills areas, continental climate. It means any country, from the Arabic ones to the European countries are good climates and have good conditions for these cows to grow and give the best products. The Romanian Spotted Cattle is a belated breed from the reproductive and milk production point of view, but precocious for meat production, suitable for any fattening system. It makes good use of the grazing areas and in winter of rough and volume fodder. More than that, the Romanian Spotted Cattle is a multipurpose breed; these times, the main productive type is milk-beef; approximately 20-25% from the stock belong to beef-milk type and all individuals exhibit remarkable qualities for meat production. The meat production from the cows for sale from Seradria is remarkable, being even superior in some characteristics than other beef cattles.
Seradria, first Romanian exporter of live sheep for sale
When it comes about live sheep for sale, it is sure that Seradria is the most trustful and good prepaired exporter for sheep livestock. Even it is about baby lambs for sale, lamb meat for sale, live lambs for sale, Seradria stays the first exporter for countries all over the world. According to the company's data, Seradria is one the most important exporters for countries from Asia and Europe. The sales of Romanian sheep livestock increased, year by year, in Saudi Arabia, China, Algeria, Egipt, Iran, Israel, but also in Europe, in countries like France, Italy, Greece, Spain and Germany.
Romania is, maybe, the best exporter when we talk about sheep breeds, because of its good quality fresh lamb for sale, but also for the long tradition of raising sheep across its rich variety of plains, hills and mountains. Therefore, Seradria tries and manages to import and export good quality lambs for sale, even it is about baby lambs or grown-up sheep. The categories of sheep breeds are numerous and they depend on the size and weight of sheep and also on the fell of live sheep for sale. This is why Seradria provides different weight categories, with around 25kg+ average in weight. The baby lambs and the grown-up lambs are very good quality lambs for export. The lambs are mainly Turcana, Merinos and Tigaie breeds. The most widespread of them is Tsurcana and it is mostly present in the centre and northern parts of the country. Tsurcana, the best sold type of lambs for sale, is available in great numbers and therefore represents the backbone of our livestock business. Per client's request, it can be delivered with or without wool.
Contact Seradria for delivering high quality livestock for sale
As long as you want to become partner with one of the largest exporters of live stock in Europe, you can contact the agents of Seradria company calling to 004 021 230 0808 or on skype, at the address "seradria". Anyone can also find the company in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to its centre, very close to he Henri Coanda International Airport (OTP).
GPS Coordinates for our farm
latitude 46.900759
longitude 23.7723
Seradria administrative office in Bucharest
fax: 004 021 230 0808
skype: seradria
website: www.seradria.com
Email: [email protected]
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