CHENGDU, CHINA, November 04, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Pandas are some of the most beautiful and majestic animals in the entire world, yet as you know, sadly many of them are now considered endangered. The good news however, is that thanks to conservation efforts, and sites such as Pandashock, Pandas are finally making a comeback. It is a slow and arduous process, but we are getting there, and we will one day get where we need to be. There are countless different species of bear out there, yet out of them all, Pandas are generally considered to be the most adorable, yet they are also the most misunderstood. Sure, we all probably know what giant pandas look like, and yes, we've probably all seen the viral video of the baby panda sneezing and giving it's mom a real fright. Beyond knowing what giant pandas look like, and knowing that they scare easily, what else do we know about pandas? Well, as it turns out, not as much as we think. Here we'll be taking a look at a few interesting facts about giant pandas. Before we do that however, let's learn more about Pandashock.
About Pandashock
As you know, Pandas are gorgeous animals, and the world does indeed appear to be panda mad. After all, there aren't many other animals that will receive attention from mainstream media outlets, just because there may happen to be a chance that they're pregnant (more on that later). In terms of being panda-crazy however, the team over at Pandashock have taken things to a whole new level. Pandashock is a website dedicated solely to pandas. Each member of the team is from the hometown of the giant panda - Chengdu, Sichuan. As each member of the team resides there, they have a special synergy with the giant panda and care deeply for them. After all, they are practically neighbours. Pandashock is the very first website dedicated purely to pandas, and if you're a fan of these amazing creatures you simply must check out the site for yourself. Not only will you find weekly blog posts on pandas and other similar topics, you can also purchase a wide range of panda-related merchandise from the site. Just some of the typical items you can expect to purchase from the Pandashock website include:
Panda keyrings
Panda suit outfits
Panda hoodies
Panda pullovers
Panda bear T-shirts
Panda costume outfits
Other animal costumes
And much more...
As you can see, with panda merchandise like that, if you are a fan of pandas, and hey, who isn't? You simply must check out the Pandashock website and see exactly what they have in stock and what kinds of panda-related topics they regularly blog about.
Things you may not know about pandas
Now that we've looked at the wonderful Pandashock website, it's now time for us to learn a little more about the star of the show - pandas. Here's a look at some interesting and unique facts about the panda bear that you may not have been aware of:
Giant pandas aren't so giant when they're born - As you can imagine, with a name like 'Giant Panda' giant pandas are pretty huge when they're fully grown. If you've ever seen one at the zoo, or maybe even in the wild if you're incredibly lucky, you'll know how huge they can be. Because of this, many people think that they're born fairly large, perhaps around the size of an average sized dog, but they're not. No, in reality, giant pandas are actually born very small. The average giant panda when born, is roughly the size of a stick of butter. They do mature in size quickly, but for the first few days of their lives, these stunning creatures are very small.
Giant pandas do not hibernate - One common misconception amongst panda fans, is that giant pandas hibernate during the winter. Well, we're here to set the record straight and to let you know right off the bat that giant pandas do not hibernate during the winter. In the wild, giant pandas are virtually impossible to spot in the wild, which is why people think that they hibernate. What they actually do however, is simply seek shelter in caves and other similar warmer locations, and to basically shelter out of the cold weather until the temperature increases and the weather improves.
Giant pandas have evolved based around their diets - They say that 'you are what you eat' and in the giant panda's case, that's actually not that inaccurate a statement. You see, over the centuries, giant pandas have evolved based upon their diets. You see, giant pandas live on diets that consist primarily of bamboo. You probably know that bamboo is a very strong wood that is also fairly sharp, and tough to pluck from trees. This hardly sounds like the easiest food in the world to come by, so how do giant pandas manage? Well, giant pandas have evolved to have an extra digit on their hands, or rather paws, that functions like a thumb. This is to allow the pandas to tear and rip the bamboo apart. That isn't all however, you see, giant pandas have also evolved to have very strong jaws and teeth to chew and crush the bamboo. But wait, there's more still. Giant pandas also have evolved to have a protective lining in their throats which will allow them to swallow the bamboo without getting splinters and cutting their throats to ribbons.
Giant pandas are anti-social - If you're a person who generally enjoys your own company and can't deal with being around other people for very long, you have a lot in common with a giant panda, and that's awesome, right? Giant pandas are notoriously anti-social, as they generally do not like to be around other pandas, or any other animals for that matter. They often live alone in isolation and have a very keen sense of smell which will allow them to detect the scent of other pandas in the area, giving them a perfect excuse to hide away. However, in the mating season, which lasts from March through to May, male pandas use their smell to actually hunt down females in the hope of getting lucky.
Giant pandas are territorial - Though these are probably some of the most placid, and least aggressive animals in the world, giant pandas are actually territorial. Like other animals, they mark their territory, though they do it slightly differently to other animals. On their rear ends these giant pandas have a bushy tail. However, the tip isn't fluffy or bushy at all, it is actually free of fur, and there is a reason for this. The reason is that the pandas have a scent gland located there which excretes the scent. The bushy tail is then used like a fan brush to spread the scent of the panda, warning other creatures that this is that particular panda's territory.
Pandas can poop, like really poop! - We know that animals generally poop a lot. Stop laughing, it's true. But some animals however, take pooping to a whole other level. You see, giant pandas can munch their way through around 40kg of bamboo in one day, sometimes more with larger animals. As you can imagine, if you're eating 40kg of anything in a day, you are going to dump and boy do giant pandas dump. Each day giant pandas can poop as much as 30kg. They generally poop as they walk so can easily be traced. In the past this was a hindrance, but now it allows researchers and conservationists to track and trace these animals to help them.
Giant pandas are endangered - Yes, we've already mentioned the fact that these pandas are endangered, but we haven't yet looked at how many there are in the wild. Well, there are roughly 1,600 giant pandas in the wild. There are a number of reasons for this, though the main problem is the fact that giant pandas are so notoriously difficult to breed. Generally a female giant panda will only wish to mate for roughly 1 day per year. They also do not carry litters, as female giant pandas will only carry one, perhaps two in very rare cases, cubs at a time. A female will only give birth to one, or sometimes two, cubs every couple of years, so the breeding process is painfully slow. This is one of the main reasons why, when a female is thought to be pregnant, it grabs the attention of the mainstream media.
Chinese tradition dictates the naming process of panda cubs - As you know, giant pandas are native to China. According to ancient Chinese traditions, when it comes to naming a panda cub, a cub cannot be named until it has reached 100 days of age.
Pandas are usually born in August - As mentioned, the mating season for giant pandas ranges from March - May. Now, a basic grasp of math will tell you that gestation for panda cubs is between 3 and 5 months as we now know that the best time to see New Born pandas is in the month of August. Sadly, in the wild, if two cubs are born, usually only the stronger of the two cubs will survive. This is a very sad fact and it is why we have sites such as Pandashock, and conservation areas and parts located worldwide, to help the giant panda to make a comeback before it becomes extinct completely.
Pandas have been around a long time - To us, a long time ago is a hundred years ago, but from an evolutionary standpoint, this is nothing. When we say that pandas have been around a long time, we really mean it. There have actually been fossils of pandas found in the wild that can be traced back to close to two million years! That's right, two million years ago we still had pandas roaming the earth in the wild. Back then, they could be found all across China, but now they are only located in the very most remote parts of this wonderful country.
Pandas are not picky when it comes to a bed - Thankfully, because of where they thrive, and their immense size, giant pandas generally do not have to worry about predators. Because of this, they don't need to take shelter, though they do when it is cold. This is great because it means that giant pandas do not have to get picky when choosing a bed. Typically giant pandas will sleep on forest floors, in caves, or even in trees. Because pandas dedicate so much of their time to eating (18 hours a day in some cases) they will typically only sleep for around 4 hours per day, sometimes less than that.
Pandashock is an online website dedicated purely to giant pandas. Whether you want to read up about giant pandas, learn more about them, view panda-related posts, or purchase a wide range of panda-related merchandise, is the perfect website for you. Run by a team of passionate individuals who not only understand the true beauty of pandas, but who also actually share the same living area as giant pandas - Sichuan, China, Pandashock should be your one-stop-shop for everything panda-related.
At pandashock you will find many high qualities panda mascot costumes, animal mascot costumes,plush panda bears,panda suits and kids panda gifts.
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Contact Information
Emily Zhou
Egrets Science and Technology Co., Limited
Chengdu, Sichuan
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