MHRMI Condemns Brutal Western Tactics Aimed at Changing Macedonia's Name, Demands Defence of Macedonia by Macedonian Politicians
Press Release October 24, 2018
Macedonian MPs, with women especially targeted, were held in Parliament by the US-controlled regime, blackmailed, bribed & threatened with prison sentences - their families included – until they followed orders to vote to change Macedonia's name.
"To the West, you'll either uphold the principles you claim to respect, or continue to be complicit in the demise of an entire ethnic group. Our Name Is Macedonia. Who gave you the right to change it?"

TORONTO, ON, October 24, 2018 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In another illegal session of Macedonian Parliament, this one on October 19, 2018, opposition MPs, with women especially targeted, were held in Parliament by the US-installed government of Zoran Zaev, and blackmailed, bribed, and threatened with prison sentences – their families included – until they followed orders to vote to change Macedonia's name, history and the identity of millions of Macedonians throughout the world.

This treasonous and illegal vote paves the way to two further votes to change Macedonia's Constitution and name, and further mass violations of the Republic of Macedonia's sovereignty and basic right to self-determination. This brutal policy was inflicted on Macedonia by the US and EU in order to appease Greece, all for the promise that Greece might lift its veto power to allow discussions of the Republic of Macedonia's potential NATO and EU membership.

Instead of forcing Macedonia to jump through hoops on its way to national suicide and genocide, the West could remove the one-country veto rule in NATO and the EU or simply direct Greece not to use its veto power. But the West chooses to attack the country with politicians that have proven to be incapable of defending themselves.

The culmination of these brutal tactics (so far, with more to come), occurred on October 19 and were carried out with US Ambassador Jess Baily in Macedonian Parliament and, not only present, but also giving orders during the intimidation of Macedonian MPs. American foreign meddling was, again, on unabashed display.

Since the US installation of the illegitimate Macedonian government, Zaev and the US Embassy in Macedonia have ordered riot police to attack Macedonians who oppose the changing of their name and identity, they have fixed elections, imprisoned dissenting Macedonians, violated the Macedonian Constitution and Parliamentary rules, broken the law, fired people from public and private-sector jobs, shut down media outlets and blocked social media access for those who dare oppose them.

All while the West is either complicit or silent.

Forty Macedonians were imprisoned last year for leading the defence of international law, human rights and self-determination. Their crime? Opposing any change to Macedonia's name, identity and history. Baily and Zaev offered amnesty (for non-existent crimes) in exchange for the biggest anti-Macedonian traitorous act in history – a vote to change Macedonia's name to appease Greece. (a crime in and of itself, as it violates Article 308 of the Criminal Code – "placing the Republic of Macedonia in a position of subordination or dependence in relation to some other country, shall be punished with imprisonment of at least five years").

Further, female MPs were physically intimidated until they gave in to Zaev's orders and those who remained were threatened with their family members being imprisoned by made-up charges to be determined later. Additionally, the Macedonian judiciary has been bought off with US and EU money and any criminal charges brought against Zaev's regime so far have been dismissed.

Now, US and EU officials no longer deny their mass interference in Macedonia. EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and most, recently, US Assistant Secretary of State Wess Mitchell have all gone to Macedonia to issue formerly veiled threats, now blatant threats, to Macedonia. The common message is "Change your name – or else".

After the blatant violation of human rights and democracy on October 19, Johannes Hahn even had the audacity to tweet:

"A great day for democracy in Skopje ! I congratulate all those who decided to walk on along the EU path. I expect that the free choice of all MPs is fully respected, especially of those who crossed the aisle tonight. We need statesmanship, not party-games."

He refused to use the country's name, Republic of Macedonia. He specifically said "free choice", a blatant lie and an odd "thou doth protest too much" choice of words. An obvious admission that the "choice" was anything but "free".

In the lead-up to his latest act of treason, Zaev had promised a referendum on Macedonia's name to allow the "will of the people" to be respected, but when the referendum date came closer, he unilaterally declared it to be non-binding as he saw that it would be a crushing defeat for him. And it was. There was an 80% boycott of the vote (the 20% who voted were almost exclusively Albanian) as Macedonians united in defence of their name and identity. However, Zaev and the EU inexplicably claimed "victory" (see MHRMI Applauds Macedonians for Overwhelmingly Rejecting Referendum Aimed at Changing Their Name and Identity) and pressed on, blatantly violating the supposedly cherished "will of the people". A tactic that has been condemned repeatedly by the EU and US, unless they're executing it.

But the US and EU fear no consequences, because there aren't any. But for good measure, they still claim that "Russian meddling is destabilizing Macedonia". American foreign policy dictates that "offence is the best defence". In other words, accuse others of your own despicable tactics while continuing to employ them, with each successive one becoming more brazen.

And Macedonian politicians are frozen. Their incompetence is being taken advantage by the Western "big boys". They claim that they don't know how to stop Zaev's regime because it has Western support. Look at Macedonia's Constitution, Criminal Code and Parliamentary and Presidential rules and procedures. There are a multitude of options there that prevent the destruction of democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the will of the people. Use them. If you don't know how to or are too afraid, you have chosen the wrong profession. And your career choice is leading to the destruction of the Macedonian people – that ALL of our ancestors fought for.

Unlike Macedonia's politicians, Macedonians have already risen up and are demanding that our human rights and self-determination be vehemently defended.

To the West, you will either uphold the principles that you claim to respect, or you will continue to be complicit in the demise of an entire ethnic group. Our Name Is Macedonia. Who gave you the right to change it?

---Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia

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Bill Nicholov, President

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

Toronto, Ontario


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