UkrGasBank's network development as an indicator of Ukrainian banking sector growth
Press Release April 8, 2008
Recent events on the financial market of the country confirm the fact of high interest of world leading financial institutions in the banks of Ukraine. Ukrainian banking system trend analysis shows that the potential for further growth remains quite significant.

/24-7PressRelease/ - UKRAINE, April 08, 2008 - Recent events on the financial market of the country confirm the fact of high interest of world leading financial institutions in the banks of Ukraine. Ukrainian banking system trend analysis shows that the potential for further growth remains quite significant. One of the major indices of development is the expansion of bank regional outlet networks. As of 1.01.08 the total number of outlets of 169 banking institutions operating in Ukraine was 22 924. The absolute growth in 2007 was 2 473 outlets - or 12,02%.

TOP-5 leaders of Ukrainian banking sector in terms of expanding the outlet network in 2007 included «Privatbank», «Forum», «Ukrgasbank», «Brokbusinessbank» and «Finance and Credit». Growth indices among the leaders last year varied from 17,3% (Privatbank) to 42,9% (Ukrgasbank).

At the same time strive for improving the efficiency of managing the sales network makes bankers search for new approaches to further territorial expansion.
From this point of view the example of Ukrgasbank, whose strategic plan of development until the end of 2009 provides for the conversion of balance sheet branches into non-balance sheet regional divisions, is representative. Thus, the whole bank network will transit to the single balance sheet. Herewith, regional divisions will be established, including already existing regional departments. Therefore, setting management on the regional level, the bank will focus the efforts of its regional subdivisions directly on providing financial products and services.

In 2007 the bank already implemented a pilot project of reorganizing the outlet network in Kyiv region. As a result, Kyiv regional division was established. After the management system reorganization the performance efficiency of subdivisions, comprising a new structure, increased in terms of different indices by 40-60%.

Besides the high-quality reorganization, the bank will have opened about 130 more outlets by the end of current year and, by that time Ukrgasbank regional network will consist of around 415 outlets. The bank also plans to develop the network of credit stores, whose number will have reached 100 units in Ukraine by the end of the year.

Currently OJSB "UkrGasBank" is one of the most reliable and dynamic financial institutions that operate successfully on the Ukrainian market of banking sector. The Bank's tendency to a rapid development of banking products on domestic and international markets determined long-term business development, increase in principal financial parameters of the Bank and increase of customer base. The Bank increases rapidly its activity through the number of operations on the market and territorial expansion.

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