During Thanksgiving 2022, We Should Give Thanks for America's Freedoms Before They Go; Clues to ID Antichrist in United Nations And Washington DC Offered By Dr. Richard Ruhling
Press Release November 24, 2022
Dr. Richard Ruhling Biblical is a prophecy expert and taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.
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WASHINGTON, DC, November 24, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- According to a number of online resources, America's first Thanksgiving was actually celebrated in Virginia in 1619 as a religious ceremony.

"Early pioneers risked death at sea and from Indians or starvation for freedoms that we are losing, in a push for UN control," Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events, said. "The world's best-selling book, the Bible, has a dozen clues to the identity of the prophetic antichrist power that is impacting the US." He offers a number of points and reference support for those points on his website at https://wordpress.com/post/news4living.wordpress.com/847.

When Christ was asked about the end of the world, He said to read the book of Daniel. Daniel has an accurate description of empires for 2500 years to now. They include Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome that are represented by fierce beasts of prey—nations make men go to war and their deaths are so often needless.

1. Daniel's 4th beast had 10 horns representing 10 tribes that roamed Europe as the Roman Empire fell. One of the horns was "diverse" or different because it was a religious power as the papacy came into existence.

2. The little horn had the eyes of a man—it saw life from a human perspective more than from Scripture.

3. It spoke "great words against the Most High." One official title is 'Lord God the Pope.'

4. Lucifer became the devil when he wanted to "be like the Most High", but he was thrown from heaven to earth to demonstrate how his claim that God's law was needless is true—but the world's in a mess now.

5. Daniel's little horn made war with the saints. Conservative historians estimate 50-100 million Protestants were burned at the stake or martyred—that's why pioneers risked life to flee for freedom to the New World.

6. The little horn "thought to change times and laws." The Gregorian Calendar got rid of the new moon as a sign of a new month—they have no correlation now, but it was a basis of God's appointed times.

7. The papacy admits to changing the Sabbath to Sunday since Constantine, a sun-worshiper, made the first Sunday law to unite his kingdom and the pope blessed it, claiming apostolic tradition, but "the first day" of the week is only found once in the book of Acts--'Sabbath' is found nine times--"every Sabbath" three times.

8. Rome boasts of abolishing the Jewish festivals, but God calls them "My feasts" and Paul said they "are shadows of things to come," so that end time events may be signaled to those who are watching.

9. Revelation has half a dozen clues that only fit the papacy in the 17th chapter as the Mother Church—"Mother of Harlots and Abominations" for churches that no longer protest her changes to the Bible.

10. Christ said, "Call no man father" and no where does the Bible teach us to pray to dead saints. It says, "the living know they shall die, but the dead know not anything". The church teaches that departed loved ones are in purgatory (a word not in the Bible) and payment must be made to pray them out.

11. Payment made to forgive sins cheapens the death of Christ and they pay again the next week, with no true repentance for sin or change in the life. Nevertheless, there are many fine Catholic Christians who live the best that they know and God "winks in times of ignorance" since the church teaches catechism, not Bible. Peter said we must repent in times of judgment. As the head of gold in Daniel, judgment comes to US first.

12. Revelation calls the harlot riding the beast of New World Order, "Mother of Abominations". God punished Sodom for an abomination that the pope excuses --half the priests practice sodomy, according to a priest that Ruhling says he befriended 50 years ago.

There are half a dozen more biblical reasons for the papacy being the antichrist power, but time and space are limited. We should appreciate fine Catholics like JF Kennedy who declined to do Rome's bidding. After telling of his intent to abolish the Federal Reserve that sends millions to the Vatican Bank, he was dead a week after speaking against secret societies. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSspwAE-uRI)

Leaders of the Pentagon have been members of those societies. After DOD (Donald Rumsfeld) announced $1.2 trillion missing, it never made headlines. The next day, 9-11, a missile hit their accounting offices. Later it was said to be an airplane.

Archbishop Vigano is an example of true greatness and protest against his church. https://www.lifesitenews.com/images/pdfs/Open_Letter_to_POTUS.pdf.

The UN is the road to papal supremacy, with so many Catholic nations that will vote the pope's agenda. The UN is the image beast (image of the papal beast in Revelation) that will enforce false worship so no one can buy or sell without a mark or number of compliance. The Vatican (a word that means 'diving serpent') worships Lucifer, https://youtu.be/Hpn3F6TrbEY and in return, the devil gives power and authority to the beast that is an amalgamation of Daniel's beasts (kingdoms) which the papacy has survived. This time of year, giving thanks is one of the truest forms of worship, worth-ship. Giving worth or gratitude to God is true religion.

These are all reasons why Revelation calls everyone to come out of spiritual Babylon (a word that means confusion) so we do not receive the plagues that will be coming as a result of false systems of education, government, religion and medicine (pharmakeia is the Greek word that "deceives all nations").

Readers can get references at Ruhling's website, https://wordpress.com/post/news4living.wordpress.com/847. Dr. Ruhling is available for speaking engagements and media interviews and can be reached by using the contact information below or by email at [email protected]. For more information, readers may get "From Lockdown to Knockdown, the Fall of America" on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YJJSGYZ.

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

Dr. Ruhling graduated from Loma Linda University medical school and planning for overseas work, took a Masters Degree in Public Health. After Internal Medicine training and board certification, he also had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda's School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure.

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Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling

Wilmington, NC


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