2302 total news stories found.
2012-12-06 | This inspiring and candid film exploring the life of one of the least-known but most influential men of the 20th century will be available Tuesday, December 11, 2012 on DVD, iTunes, Amazon Instant Video and cable Video on Demand.
2012-12-05 | German study finds testosterone treatments like those performed by ENERGENEX in San Diego bring previously unknown benefits in men.
2012-12-05 | We brainwash our children into believing that each one is the best. We create overconfident or under confident brains that struggle all life to understand and master life with our created emotional baggage loaded, emotionally challenged sick brains.
2012-11-18 | The Qatar Foundation's bottom line is, 'unlocking the human potential'. But, 'unlocking the human potential' is just half of the human potential. It is education for half the brain. The other half that is missing is, 'purifying the human potential'.
2012-11-12 | Asonor snoring solution tested by a consumer organization in Sweden with a promising result.
2012-11-12 | The experiences of childhood can have a very real impact on adult life. Childhood trauma, including sexual or other abuse, and even parental divorce, frequently leads to depression, anxiety, and alcoholism during the adult years.
2012-11-11 | HCL Thames Medics has announced a successful collaboration with the East of England Mental Health Network, comprising Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust...
2012-11-02 | Halloween candy collected at sweet swap to be sent to soldiers as part of "Operation Gratitude".
2012-10-29 | "Alzeimers Disease: The Disease with Two Victims" will be hosted by Mid Atlantic Gereatic Associates and Shore Meadows Rehabillitation and Nursing Center is slated for Wednesday November 7, 2012 in Toms River, NJ from 9am-2pm.
2012-10-21 | The Rottenstein Law Group is alerting the public to new research that indicates SSRI antidepressants might increase the risk of brain hemorrhage in some individuals who take them.
2012-10-18 | The EMDR International Association notes errors and omissions in the portrayal of E.M.D.R. therapy in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) July 2012 report on the Treatment for PTSD in Military and Veteran Populations: Initial Assessment.
2012-10-16 | Pigs aren't little: Big Bad Wolf apologizes for being a bully.
2012-10-05 | Study released in military medicine finds significant improvements in just three weeks.
2012-10-03 | So lets pick out the most solid attribute that one can physically hold in one's hand and see if we can define it and create it. The pure self is the most solid attribute of wisdom, so lets create pure human beings to create a wise society.
2012-10-02 | Palm Beach Psychology Associates brings Dr. Margaret Schutt into their practice.
2012-09-19 | Esalen, a leading center for exploring and realizing human potential through experience, education and research, is hosting two special events to culminate the celebration of its 50th Anniversary.
2012-08-23 | Global Vision Technologies, Inc., (GVT) the creator of FAMCare has just launched the next evolution of case management software, FAMCare CONNECT "rapid case management" - aimed at helping nonprofits transform the way they manage cases.
2012-08-22 | Featuring the most experienced and outstanding trainers in the field of DBT at locations throughout the United States.
2012-08-18 | The mind is like a decent human being and wants to be wise, but the brain is a wild animal. Through our current education methods we are trying to teach wisdom to an animal brain. What we need to do is make man into wisdom through brain therapy.
2012-08-16 | Health Journeys announces the addition of Traci Stein, PhD, MPH, to its roster of contributing mind-body health practitioners and features her two new audio programs, designed to help listeners foster and main self-esteem.