Press Release March 17, 2006
With the popularity of internet advertising, Tampa Marketing Company has launched a new pixel based website that makes significant contributions of ad revenues to Florida area non-profit groups.

/24-7PressRelease/ - TAMPA, FL, March 17, 2006 - Effective Immediately - FLORIDAMILLION.COM provides internet advertising access for budgets from $100 with a minimum of 50% of the advertising fees going to Florida area non-profit groups. Based on a fundraising idea by a student in the UK, Tampa Marketing Company (TMC) has expanded the concept to provide for a fun and exciting online advertising environment. TMC's TAMPAGOLD.COM and SOHOTAMPA.COM sites, already achieve over 300,000 page views per month.

The share of fees can be given to one selected by the advertiser or distributed evenly among all of the designated non-profit organizations.

Abilities Foundation - http://www.abilitiesfoundation.com/content/

Aids Institute http://www.theaidsinstitute.org

Arthritis Foundation - http://arthritis.org/communities/chapters/chapter.asp?chapid=61

Big Brothers - Big Sisters of Tampa Bay http://www.bbbsfl.org/GetPage.aspx?mfcmsid=2773EAC4B2DA4C079F73EB54D167BC53

Humane Society of Tampa Bay http://www.humanesocietytampa.org/

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chapter http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_chap

Make a Wish Foundation of Sarasota/Tampa Bay http://suncoast.wish.org/

Metropolitan Ministries http://www.metmin.org/subpages/who_we_are.asp

Pediatric Cancer Foundation http://www.pcfusa.org/start.htm

Red Cross - Tampa Bay Chapter http://www.redcrosstbc.org/

Special Olympics of Hillsborough County http://www.specialolympicshc.org/

Voices for Children http://vfcgal.org/index.htm

Wheels of Success http://wheelsofsuccess.org/

Tampa Marketing Company is an internet publishing and marketing company in Tampa, Florida. Our current sites are TAMPAGOLD.COM, SOHOTAMPA.COM, USFGOLD.COM, and FLORIDAMILLION.COM.
http://www.tampagold.com http://www.tampamarketingcompany.com
http://www.sohotampa.com http://www.usfgold.com

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Contact Information

Bill Sharpe

Tampa Marketing Company

Tampa, Florida


Telephone: 813-220-7503

Email: Email Us Here

Website: Visit Our Website