/24-7PressRelease/ - RICHMOND HILL, ON, CANADA, August 02, 2006 - Many doctors have attempted to answer this question by studying the way laughter affects the body. Any type of conversation offers the opportunity for laughter and laughter is a natural way to prevent disease and catalyze recovery. Especially for the wheelchair-bound, the telephone and low long distance phone rates can literally be a lifeline.
Dating back to ancient Greece, when hospitals were purposely built near amphitheatres, the healing power of laughter has long been believed to be a legitimate contributing factor of recovery in the health industry. Eight years ago, Robin William portrayed Patch Adams in a movie that illustrated a modern day pioneer of adding humor in hospitals as a way of promoting recovery. In 1989, the Journal of the American Medical Association acknowledged the therapeutic power of laughter with chronically ill patients.
Nature's painkillers, endorphins, reduce pain sensation and affect one's emotional state. Laughter releases these endorphins, providing nearly immediate results with ill patients. T cells also elevate with laughter, boosting the immune system. The antibody IgA, which fights upper respiratory tract infections, also increases during laughter. Controversial research is currently underway, examining the effects of laughter with cancer patients and whether or not laughter can actually lead to remission.
In today's world of sleep deprivation and busy schedules, physically visiting with someone for an extended period of time, or at all, is often impossible. Many rely on the telephone to sustain familial and connections of friendship, but high long distance rates can lower the frequency of these connections. A low long distance phone rate allows loved ones to keep in touch and exchange old and new stories. The online store to purchase overseas calling cards and low long distance phone rate cards from is Phone Card Depot (http://www.phonecarddepot.ca).
Phone Card Depot specializes in offering low long distance phone rates to bridge communication gaps. Customers can purchase phone cards from their Web site and have their PIN and dialing instructions e-mailed directly to them. This instant delivery system puts an end to having to add another chore to do while one is out. No longer will anyone have to pay full long distance rates, since ordering phone cards online with a Visa or Mastercard is streamlined and can be done just prior to making a phone call.
As previously mentioned, laughter not only increases the circulation of antibodies in the bloodstream for infection resistance it increases the white blood cell count to fight foreign proteins. Logically, emotional stress weakens the immune system, so it is equally as important for everyone to keep stress to a minimum, especially recovering patients. The clich that "laughter is the best medicine" has never been as scientifically proven as it has today. Knowledge is power and the power to change a person's health, both mentally and physically, is the ultimate form of power. Be powerful and tell a joke.
About Phone Card Depot
Phone Card Depot, a Canadian company, is becoming recognized as Canada's best online phone card store. Phone Card Depot uses state-of-the-art security to run its online business and distributes PINs by e-mail, connecting friends, family and business partners. For more information, or to purchase an overseas phone card, visit Phone Card Depot's Web site at http://www.phonecarddepot.ca
Tavis McKenzie
1052 Yonge Street Suite #423
Richmond Hill, ON
L4C 3C7
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Tavis McKenzie
Phone Card Depot
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Email: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website