PRO-TECH KIOSKS Takes On Fast Food Nation Offers User-Friendly Alternative to the Drive-Thru Industry
Press Release August 11, 2006
What do you get when you mix one-part indestructible hardware and one-part user-friendly service with the QSR industry? The first drive-thru kiosk from Pro-Tech.

/24-7PressRelease/ - ATLANTA, GA, August 11, 2006 - To compete in the outdoor, drive-thru arena Pro-Tech was lucky. The company already had a 16-year track record of making indestructible outdoor workstations for the oil industry. So they took the same technology used to develop a computer to withstand the extreme weather conditions in the Gulf of Mexico- harsh winds, driving rain, shock vibrations, and applied it to developing an outdoor, drive-thru kiosk that could weather 16-year old teenagers. So far it's worked. Well.

Secret Sauce
The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk credits its indestructibility to what amounts to their secret-sauce—ProTouch. "What makes our kiosks so unique are the flat touch-screen panels enhanced with our trade secret ProTouch," explains Peter Kaszycki, president of Pro-Tech Kiosks. "The unit's touch screen comes with a half-inch of safety glass, but what makes them sabotage proof is that the elements are mounted behind the glass and projected through the screen." The ProTouch screen is protected from the elements and works in dry conditions or pouring rain. This also allows the screens to work with bare or gloved hands and makes them resistant to vandalism.

Size Matters
The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk stands almost five-feet tall at rest but its Telescoping Pedestal feature allows the unit to move up or down for different sized vehicles. So with the touch of a button, the kiosk is able to accommodate everything from a Hummer to a Miata and all the mini-vans in between.

Baby It's Cold Outside
The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk also features an auto-dimming circuit or ambient light sensors so the 15" High Bright Sunlight-Viewable Touch screen can adjust to the time of day or weather conditions. It's also thermostatically controlled so that even if it's too cold to go outside, the kiosk acclimates to the outside temperature and operates under any condition. So neither rain, nor sleet, nor cold, nor dead of night, well, you get the picture.

Do You Want Fries With That?
Perhaps The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk's greatest asset is the accuracy of the order when placed using the touch screen menu. A recent study by QSR Magazine on the best drive-thru in America found that customers are not as concerned with how fast an order is taken, but with how accurate it is. The old squawk box and headsets can't compete with touch-screen technology and Pro-Tech's kiosk leads the way. This new technology allows customers to see the menu choices, make a selection and then review their order before submitting their selection. The kiosk even allows them to select a language: from Spanish to Japanese. Making the age-old question, "Do you want fries with that?" so last century.

Order Fast, Eat Fresh
Nick D'Angelo owns a Subway in Mentor, Ohio and was the first customer to implement The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosk. Now, Subway might seem like an unlikely source of praise for a drive-thru kiosk, after all, only a small number of their stores even have a drive-thru. But when you consider that 65% of QSR sales are from the drive-thru window, that's a lot of potential bread to be baked. "A Subway owner I know tried to open a drive-thru using the standard headset method," D'Angelo explained. "It was a disaster. The Subway menu is unique and there's too much guesswork involved. Pro-Tech's touch screen menu allows me to serve my customers both inside and out. It's like having another store."

This Is Not Your Daddy's Kiosk
The Pro-Tech drive-thru kiosks' best part? It's price. Each indestructible unit costs between $13,000-$15,000, not much more than the old order confirmation units. Pro-Tech Solutions, Inc. CEO Don Turner says it best, "Sometimes being first in the industry is a good thing and nobody builds a better kiosk than Pro-Tech." Now that's quite a solution.

Pro-Tech, Pro-Tech Kiosks and theQsolution are units of Pro-Tech Solutions, Inc. Based in Suwanee, Georgia, Pro-Tech Solutions, Inc. is THE experienced leader in building self-service kiosks and industrial computer systems. PRO-TECH_EXPERIENCE MATTERS. For more information, visit us at:

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