New Cocktail recipes
Press Release January 14, 2007
the flavors or coffee and of boosters, seem to fit well together

New Cocktails
Touchdown coffee

1 cup hot noble coffee
1 Touchdown Booster
milk and sugar if needed
50 ml Bourbon whiskey

Coffee Schisandra

1 cup hot noble coffee
1 Touchdown Booster
milk and sugar if needed
(Touchdown coffe without whiskey)


- AUSTRIA, January 14, 2007 - One of those recipes containing the little blue schisandra energizer.

2 cl noble vodka
pepper !
1 booster

put the booster into the vodka
crash it with the tube
add pepper!

You have a Sun Crash Cocktail

(express version)

Are You man(iac) enough ?

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Paul Schauer




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