All Press Releases for March 21, 2005

Search Engine Optimization Is Not As Profitable As Viral Marketing

Traffic from search engine optimization isn\'t truly free. Getting and maintaining good search engine position takes considerable expertise and time. In contrast, a viral traffic feedback loop can be set up in a few minutes and supply a constant flow of targeted traffic for years.

    / - March 21, 2005 - Why is search engine optimization not the best source of free, targeted, traffic? Because generating targeted traffic using search engine optimization is rarely free. Getting traffic for phrases that will convert well into sales almost always means beating competitors for that phrase. That means doing a lot of work to get a good placement. Worse yet, you need to do a lot of ongoing work to keep a good placement.

A far better approach is to set up a viral system of building traffic. By a viral system I mean one that, once started, achieves exponential growth without ongoing intervention. We'll look at how to do that in a few moments, but first we will see why most "viral traffic" schemes don't work.

You may already have tried one or more of the "viral traffic" building programs available. Why didn't it work for you? Because they aren't truly viral. They promise you great results if people sign up under you. They can even deliver those results if enough active people sign up under you. But the only people they help you to reach are those who have already signed up for their program, so no one signs up under you. Because no one signs up under you, the program doesn't work.

There is an easy way to solve this problem. I call it a "viral traffic feedback loop", and I'll show you step-by-step exactly how you can set one up with just 20 minutes of your time and a tiny budget. I'll also show you a simple, hands-off way to make a profit from the resulting traffic.

Step number one. Sign up for the first viral traffic program. It gives traffic to members when they visit the websites of other members. Just as important is the fact that it gives credits for referring new members. Just sign up here:

Step number two. Sign up for the second viral traffic program. It requires everyone who becomes a member to look at six websites. Don't worry, if none of the sites interest you, you can see all six sites in as little as two minutes. You sign up for the second viral program here:

Step three: Create you own custom version of this article. Get a copy from:

Use the "view source" feature of your browser to see the page's html code. Copy the html code into a simple editing program like the MS Windows notepad. Replace "" with your referrer url for the first viral program. Replace "" with the URL of your marketing web page for the second program.

By the way, this article is covered by copyright. I am explicitly granting permission to change the two referral links, but you are not permitted to change the rest of the article.

Step four: Put your custom version of this article online. If you don't already have a website, your can get free hosting from:

Step five: Promote your custom version of this article. One way of doing this is to buy traffic from the first viral program. If you choose this method, a one-time purchase of about 5,000 credits should be enough to get the feedback process started and the traffic growing on its own.

If you are very patient, you could just change the homepage setting in your web browser to your start page for the first viral program and eventually earn the necessary credits for free.

Step six: Wait, and watch the traffic grow. Once your promotion has resulted in at least ten signups for each of the viral programs, you should see rapid growth is both traffic and signups without any further promotion.

Any valid method that gets enough webmasters who are hungry for traffic to see your custom version of this article should work, but of course you must not send unsolicited emails or use other spammy tactics. To do so would damage my reputation as well as yours.

Step seven: Cash in. Once you have established a steady flow of traffic and a constant stream of sign ups, how do you make money? The traffic generated by your viral traffic feedback loop consists of people who all have one thing in common. They all want to get a lot of inexpensive traffic to their web sites. One simple approach is to sign up as a Pro member for the first viral program. You then get paid whenever someone you referred purchases a Pro membership. Another approach is to use some of the traffic from the first viral program to promote Perry Marshall's free AdWords course. Signups to the free course convert very well into sales of his paid courses. You can sign up as an affiliate using the link near the bottom of this page:

Jim Pryke provided search engine marketing expertise to his clients as president of NetInstitute Inc. for more than six years beginning in 1997. He has now moved on to a career in social services, but he can't resist dabbling in Internet marketing and sharing his experience at Netinstitute Search Engine Marketing Weblog.

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Jim Pryke
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