All Press Releases for July 16, 2017

Stop Snoozing and Jump out of Bed states Lammas Incrementum

According to a recent study by Sleep Junkie, most people hit the snooze button at least once.

    GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, July 16, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ -- However, Glasgow-based event marketing firm Lammas Incrementum are encouraging people not to fall into the snooze button trap and jump out of bed at the first attempt.

There have been a number of studies carried out which show that hitting the snooze button can actually have a detrimental effect to daily life. Professor at Columbia University James Gangwisch is a sleep expert, and he suggests that people should only set an alarm for the time they need to wake up. Speaking to TechInsider, Gangswisch said, "it can really cut down on the total amount of sleep that you're able to get. We go through sleep cycles that last perhaps 45 minutes, and you're not able to get through that entire cycle within that 10-15-minute duration after you've hit that snooze button."

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Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley concurs with Gangwisch's theory claiming that hitting the snooze button is detrimental to health and can make you more tired. "The real advice is set your alarm for when you need to get up and get up," Stanley said.

"The temptation to hit the snooze button for extra sleep can be hard to resist, however by changing your habits and getting up and out of bed straight away you will wake up feeling fresher, more energised and ready to attack the day," said Managing Director at Lammas Incrementum Rory McLeod.

Lammas Incrementum have shared four top tips to help people get up bright and early:

1/ Keep your alarm across the room

By putting the alarm clock or mobile device out of reach, it means having to get out of the bed and the likelihood to give in to the temptation of hitting the snooze button significantly reduces.

2/ Put away digital devices

It has been proven that the blue light from digital devices negatively affects health and sleep patterns. Lammas Incrementum are encouraging people to put away their digital devices thirty minutes prior to when they plan to go to sleep, giving their brain time to wind down.

3/ Start your day with a shower

While a shower may seem obvious for hygiene reasons, there are also chemical reasons. When someone showers, their brain releases the neurochemical dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centres, thereby allowing someone to start the day in a happier more relaxed state.

Lammas Incrementum is an event-marketing firm based in Glasgow. The firm offers an opportunity to bring brands to life on a platform designed to excite, interest and engage a consumer base. With instant results, the firm guarantees new customer attainment and existing customer maximisation.


For more information about Lammas Incrementum LTD, Follow @InfoIncrementum on Twitter and Like them on Facebook.

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Contact Information

Rory McLeod
Lammas Incrementum
Glasgow, Scotland
United Kingdom
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