Celebration of HWPL's 7th Anniversary of Peace Summit Gathers 2,500 Religious and Political Leaders in Online Event
Press Release September 20, 2021
HWPL, an international peace organization, commemorated the 7th anniversary of its 2014 World Peace Summit with an online event which gathered religious and political leaders to work together toward world peace.
"So let us, the HWPL family, take the initiative to transform our world into a new place and let us do it together."

SEOUL, KOREA, September 20, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ -- An international peace organization called HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light) celebrated the 7th Anniversary of its World Peace Summit on Saturday September 18th with an online event gathering religious and political leaders. The commemorated 2014 World Peace Summit held in Seoul, South Korea gathered 950 participants (including over 50 political leaders and 700 religious leaders) with the purpose of creating deeper understanding of the core principles and values of each kind of scripture. The promotion of this initiative has led to interfaith communication that transcends religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and results in mediation and reconciliation in times of dispute. At the 2014 Summit, the Unity of Religion Agreement was signed by participants, which declared that all religions must unite as one under God to prevent further dissention and conflict in the religious world.

The 7th Commemoration event hosted by HWPL and its founder Chairman Lee Man Hee garnered 2,500 distinguished guests such as religious and political leaders, as well as a live viewing on YouTube of over 30,000 from 157 countries. The event began with an HWPL Progress Report, outlining the various activities completed since the previous year. According to the report, there is currently 265 WARP (World Alliance of Religions Peace) Offices in 129 different countries around the world with the purpose of promoting interfaith dialogue and comparison of scripture among different religions. HWPL also reported an increase of 340% in scripture dialogue comparison meetings this year, proving that the COVID-19 pandemic would not hinder the work of peace.

The event also contained a presentation of Peace Initiatives that are in progress with HWPL including the Legislate Peace Project, which centers around the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War), an international law aimed to establish world peace and end armed conflict around the globe. The DPCW is also currently under review at the UN and has the hopes of creating a world of peace for future generations to thrive. Other projects included the Online Seminar of Human Rights which discussed and investigated human rights violations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speeches were also given from the Director of IPYG (International Peace Youth Group) and the Director of IWPG (International Women's Peace Group), which are both sub-organizations of HWPL. Topics of discussion were concerns about students falling back in school because of online education due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as initiatives to stop cyber-bullying for youth. IWPG topics focused on programs to train women as peace lecturers and implementation of peace education curriculum for students to create messengers of peace around the world.

The final speech was given by the Chairman of HWPL, Lee Man Hee, who shared his testimony about the beginning of the work of HWPL. He shared stories from the 31 global peace tours he has traveled so far and encouraged the HWPL participants, members and audience to support the work of world peace so that all people can live in peace and harmony under God. He proclaimed during the speech: "So let us, the HWPL family, take the initiative to transform our world into a new place and let us do it together." He drew to a close with the speech by saying: "Let us work hand in hand and never forget that we are one."

To learn more about the work of HWPL, please visit the website here.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international peace organization, was founded for global peace and cessation of war. Also, it is a non-governmental organization in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and associated with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. With the mission to achieve global peace through the heavenly culture and restore the world with light, HWPL is carrying out its peace movement around the globe, working with its partner, the International Women's Peace Group (IWPG), and its affiliate organization, the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). Moreover, leaders of different countries are cooperating as the HWPL Peace Advisory Council, and experts from all walks of life are active as HWPL Publicity Ambassadors.

HWPL's peace movement will leave for future generations the greatest legacy—life instead of death and permanent peace instead of endless wars.

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