821 total news stories found.
2025-01-20 | Windy Wu Sampson is a seasoned expert in software development with over 20 years of industry experience
2025-01-19 | Frederick C. Bruhweiler, PhD, is recognized for his dedication to academia as an esteemed professor and researcher
2025-01-19 | Andrew M. Dai, PhD, recognized for over a decade at Google as a leader in machine learning
2025-01-16 | Michael Lee Bushnell, PhD, lends years of expertise to his work with Spectral Design and Test
2024-12-17 | David Olof Been is a highly successful senior software engineer who retired after a career at Sharebase and IBM
2024-12-04 | Enhanced Solution for Business Backup and Disaster Recovery
2024-11-22 | NetCom Learning, a leader in IT and business training, invites professionals to a complimentary live Session to Explore AI's Transformative Impact on Data and Robotics, Featuring Expert Insights and Industry Trends
2024-11-20 | NetCom Learning launches End of Year Skilling promotion, offering up to $500 in gift cards or discounts for IT certification courses from top technology vendors.
2024-11-12 | NetCom Learning, a leading IT and business training provider, announces a complimentary masterclass on prompt engineering in collaboration with AICerts, offering professionals insights into AI-driven innovation.
2024-11-09 | GuidedHacking.com Launches Malware Analysis Course
2024-11-05 | Evan J. Siegel, PhD, celebrated for over 40 years of success in his industry
2024-10-19 | Promote your jewelry business with an effective digital marketing plan from Amptive.
2024-10-18 | Minglecon (CEO Helen Jean) develops gamified AI education through its Minglebot AI platform. It combines AI with computational thinking and is expanding globally, securing contracts in Indonesia and exploring markets in Taiwan, Vietnam, and Dubai.
2024-10-18 | James Emil Chance is a critical infrastructure compliance specialist at Pedernales Electric Cooperative Inc.
2024-10-10 | Dan Durkin is celebrated for over 25 years of dedicated service as a leading authority in information technology
2024-10-03 | The Human Avatar platform provides human personnel that can be controlled remotely through direct transmission of commands and information to the brain of the performer - Avatar.
2024-10-03 | Jeffrey A. Lee is an expert in electronic data interchange, inspiring others to persevere and succeed despite challenges
2024-09-13 | Ispirer Systems and Gemini collaboration accelerates post-migration refinement by up to 80%.
2024-09-11 | Jaren Lee Jones is recognized for his expertise as a computer programmer and analyst with Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators