1775 total news stories found.
2025-01-10 | Reclaiming Heritage: Celebrating the Afro-Indigenous Legacy of Orange Mound
2024-12-28 | The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has toured thousands of visitors through the museum on the history of psychiatry as part of a campaign to restore rights and dignity to the field of mental health.
2024-12-25 | Reverend Richard Klingeisen's acclaimed podumentary series, A Life of Giving, revisits highlights from past episodes in this updated holiday special, celebrating religious freedom, faith and perseverance.
2024-12-25 | Christ Today with Father Ray returns in 2025 with new episodes exploring our host's recent health challenges, inviting viewers to revisit the 2022 holiday special A Look Back as a reintroduction to the series.
2024-12-19 | MFI-Miami Filed The Complaint With The Florida Bar After It Discovered Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Partner Christian Poland Had Been Practicing Law Without A License in Florida for nearly 7 months.
2024-12-16 | Families are invited to participate in a holiday scavenger hunt at the CCHR Center in Clearwater which will be decorated as the "Grinch's Hide-Out".
2024-12-07 | Gyeonggi Provincial Government's sudden cancellation raises concerns of bias and violation of rights.
2024-12-06 | Haitian Diaspora wants American Red Cross to account for the $500 million they raised on behalf of victims of natural disasters in Haiti
2024-12-05 | Volunteers from local organizations recently joined forces, offering support for local survivors by providing complimentary beauty and wellness services.
2024-12-04 | Concerns Raised Citing Bias and Rights Violations
2024-12-02 | Today, PTSD isn't just diagnosed in soldiers and veterans for war trauma, but has become a catch-all label for anyone—military or civilian—experiencing an adverse reaction to a distressing event.
2024-11-26 | Dame Sandra Costa was the executive organizer, supported by B David Levine, Queennak, Kim Fitzgerald Starzyk, Nfagie Koroma, Ashinee Reynolds, Princess Monalisa Okojie, George Lewis, Dr. Natasha and Allen Shay.
2024-11-25 | Footage Foundation (Footage) has launched a new campaign, What Would You Say To Her?, to coincide with the UN's annual "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign.
2024-11-23 | The Colorado Rural Health Center celebrated with a luncheon in Holyoke, CO, honoring a valuable partner in healthcare and rural advocacy.
2024-11-22 | Youth musicians will perform on instruments saved from the Holocaust at the January 12 concert at NJPAC.
2024-11-21 | The sudden cancellation of an event organized by the Shincheonji Church of Jesus on October 30 in Gyeonggi Province has sparked controversy and protests.
2024-11-21 | 25 Thanksgiving Fixin' Bags to North Shore Residents as Requests for Food Assistance Doubles
2024-11-19 | Footage Foundation (Footage) announces the launch of a new program, funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic, "PowerTools: Storytelling, Dialogue, and Collaboration to End GBV across the Kyrgyz Republic."
2024-11-19 | Awards were presented during a banquet and live musical performance held at the historic Fort Harrison in downtown Clearwater.
2024-11-16 | On the 15th of November, Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Shincheonji) held a protest rally near the Gyeonggi Provincial Government building, South Korea with around 25,000 people, including its members, in attendance.