More than Baggage at the Airport Baggage Carousel: DoubleTake Marketing Unveils New Advertising Medium
Press Release June 30, 2008
DoubleTake Marketing announces entry to the airport advertising market by offering full-color graphics on baggage carousels in North American airports.

/24-7PressRelease/ - Salt Lake City, Utah, June 30, 2008 - The ADspressiveTM Graphic allows the advertiser to reach a highly-sought after demographic while adding incremental non-airline revenue to airports.

This creative and innovative new advertising medium is first available in the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with initial installation in August 2008 - marking the first time that, without physical alteration to the equipment, a large banner advertisement can be successfully displayed on the moving portion of the baggage carousel, where thousands of passengers gather each hour to await arrival of their luggage.

"Baggage Carousel advertising is unique, as it is the only medium where travelers wait 15 + minutes for their luggage to arrive. Friends and Family meeting the traveler wait as well and also see the moving ads" says DoubleTake Marketing Executive Vice President, Tracy Zwahlen.

About the Ad Graphics:
"This unique new medium is primarily used for branding, and to complement other Out of Home Advertising messages and can be an incredibly creative, moving advertisement" says Zack Clark, EVP for DoubleTake Marketing. Creative is provided by the advertiser and can either be a modification of existing ad campaigns, or tie into the airport and/or travel theme.

DoubleTake Marketing has performed over two years of research and development to create a material durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of baggage carousel operation and has filed for a patent with the US Patent Office.

Airport Advertising allows companies to reach a highly sought after demographic. According to a 2004 Arbitron Study, airline travelers are 80% more likely to have an annual household income in excess of $100,000 per year and are highly educated and discerning shoppers.

Airport advertising is the ideal location for companies trying to reach the technology early adopter, the business decision maker, the movie-going audience, luxury auto enthusiasts and consumers of luxury goods such as jewelry and high-end services. (Arbitron 2004)

For Advertisers:
Lead time for production is four weeks in markets where inventory is available. Advertisers can buy a single ad location or the entire airport, Clark says.

"As experts in out-of-home advertising, we immediately recognized the value of this alternative advertising medium; it is a perfect fit for our advertising clients and provides a unique way to reach our clients' target audiences with a message that stands out from the clutter," says Daniel Peavy, President of Billboard Connection, a national advertising agency specializing in out-of-home advertising."

Following the DFW launch, advertiser demand for both the concept and patented technology will drive expansion to more airports.
Agencies should contact DoubleTake Marketing if interested in markets not yet available. At press time there were a small number of positions still available for the August 1 launch in Dallas.

Contact Info:
DoubleTake Marketing
[email protected]

About DoubleTake Marketing

DoubleTake Marketing has developed and patented a unique means of advertising utilizing the Airport Baggage Carousel. For further information, please contact us at (866) 827-0958.

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Word document file of hte press release issued by DoubleTake Marketing on June 30 announcing entry to airport advertising market by offering full-color ads on Airport Baggage

Contact Information

Zack Clark

DoubleTake Marketing

Salt Lake City, Utah


Telephone: 801-415-9422

Email: Email Us Here

Website: Visit Our Website