1014 total news stories found.
2022-05-04 | Online financing marketplace a finalist in the Department of Energy's Solar Prize
2022-05-02 | At the World Green Energy Symposium, WGES Council celebrated and highlighted individuals and organizations who have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, and commitment to solving societal inequities through sustainable and educational solutions.
2022-05-01 | More than one thousand people signed up, top U.S. Federal Government Officials, Scientists, Major Industry, Procurement Officers, Global representation, Minister of Environment and Energy all presented on critical sustainability issues and solutions
2022-04-29 | Graphene-enhanced magnetically levitated triboelectric foot-traffic harvesting energy generator
2022-04-19 | Inventor suggests the low pressure incremental stamping of overlapping bistable indentations that he used for two patents can help shape thin strong steel and reduce weight of and emissions from cars, trains, and boats.
2022-04-11 | This year WGES celebrates and highlights individuals and organizations who have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, and commitment to solving societal inequities through sustainable and educational solutions
2022-03-30 | SAO token aims the for the greener future in collaboration with MNL which saves the planet with eco –friendly solution and pulls industries and businesses to march towards sustainability
2022-03-29 | This year WGES celebrates and highlights individuals and organizations who have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, and commitment to solving societal inequities through sustainable and educational solutions
2022-01-27 | Top experts come together on April 13, 2022 in United States at the 11th WGES where programs & forecasts are highlighted, innovative technologies launched, and economic opportunities in clean energy & sustainability unveiled.
2022-01-25 | Enterprise reinvention firm focuses on organizations disrupted by major supply chain and human resources challenges resulting from the recent pandemic
2021-12-18 | In compliance with Sustainable Development Goals recommended in the 2030 Agenda by the United Nations, the ETV platform meets the higher demand of the transportation sector with e-vehicles.
2021-11-30 | Praxis introduces ImpactX framework to help investors better understand the real-world difference their investments can make
2021-11-22 | Senate should act swiftly to pass the Build Back Better legislation
2021-11-01 | This event was held by Smilegate accumulating donations and donates money when a TalesRunner user performs the quest to pick up trash scattered around the sea in the summer update theme
2021-11-01 | Naver added, "Various contents such as ESG management efforts, financial information, messages from the CEO, and design were faithfully reflected in the ESG report and the annual report, and we were able to win both awards this year."
2021-10-29 | JOCHEN WERNE received the STATE MEDAL - the highest award of the Free State of Bavaria - for special commitment to environmental protection and announced an extraordinary new project with the EXPEDITION BLUE OCEAN.
2021-10-13 | The popular video game "Fortnite" has brought together two entrepreneurs to create EnerG Renewables, LLC in hopes of helping home & business owners claim "Victory Royale" over their electric providers!
2021-10-05 | SK Chemical publishes a sustainable management report annually from 2010 in order to disclose the company's will and accomplishments on sustainable management transparently to various stakeholders including clients.
2021-09-28 | StoneAge Inc., the leading manufacturer of high-pressure waterblast tools and automated equipment worldwide, announced today that Sentinel Automation Technology is now available for StoneAge tractor and positioner systems.